Livestock feed
Case: OERei and Protix

Many of today’s chicken feeds rely on mass volumes of soy, resulting in deforestation and the decimation of many vulnerable animal habitats.
In nature, chickens seek live insects. In indoor farming systems, chickens do not have access to live insects. To restore chickens’ natural behaviour, and prevent deforestation OERei and Protix bring live insects back into the hens’ diet. In a return to nature, they have reintroduced live larvae as a sustainable and delicious addition to poultry feed.
After all, chickens are omnivore by nature. lnsects eliminate the need for imported soy, and let the hens indulge in their natural foraging behaviour, while reducing pecking.
The resulting eggs are sold in the Netherlands under the brand name OERei. Major retailers such as Jumbo have listed OERei, giving consumers a delightful egg that combines animal welfare with sustainability.