Research paper
Pet food
Aquaculture feed
Livestock feed
ProteinX for pet food
LipidX for pet food
ProteinX for aquaculture feed
LipidX for aquaculture feed
LipidX for livestock feed
ProteinX for livestock feed
Other innovations
Scientific review investigates health effects of black soldier fly components on monogastric animals
Wageningen University & Research, in collaboration with our researchers at Protix, conducted a comprehensive review of literature on the health effects of relevant components present in black soldier fly larvae for monogastric animals.
Published in 2022 in the Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, the study highlights the beneficial molecules found in black soldier fly larvae ingredients, such as antimicrobial peptides, fatty acids and polysaccharides, all of which contribute to positive animal health.
The study seeks to encourage industry colleagues to further explore the advantages of using insect ingredients to support animal health.