White paper
Pet food
ProteinX for pet food
White paper on canine oral health and insect-based pet food
A recent study published in the Journal Insects as Food and Feed into the impact of insect ingredients in dog food opens up exciting opportunities for pet food manufacturers to develop new applications that capitalise on the positive oral health results. Download the white paper using the form below!
Periodontal disease is the biggest and most common health problem in dogs, affecting around 80% of animals over three years of age. The first symptom of periodontal disease identified by dog owners is halitosis (bad breath) which is not only a health issue to animals, but can also affect the relationship between owners and their dogs.
This white paper, published at the end of 2023 in Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, shows that a diet based on the black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) has potential to suppress bad breath and improve oral health.
The consumption of a black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) meal-based diet decreases bacteria that produce volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) and positively modulates the saliva microbiota. This can suppress the occurrence of halitosis and improve oral health.
Download the white paper for the key takeaways from the study, and get in touch if you’d like to know more about how our insect-based ingredients can give your formulations a competitive advantage.
Say hello to doggie smiles!
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